- “It’s hard to be responsible, adult and sensible all the time. How good it is to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own.” Pam Brown
- Sisters annoy, interfere, and criticize. Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks. Borrow. Break. Monopolize the bathroom. Are always underfoot. But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there. Defending you against all comers. – Pam Brown
- Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart – oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape – of your sister. – Katherine Mansfield
- My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time. – Linda Sunshine
- She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she’s the reason you wish you were an only child. – Barbara Alpert
- A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel
My best wishes and lots of love to my dear brother. Happy Raksha Bandhan brother! Thanks for being the most amazing brother and my best friend.
2. As long as you are by my side, I don’t need anyone else. Thank you so much, Bhai, for loving me, supporting me, guiding me and being as crazy as me. You’re the best brother a sister can ask for. Happy Rakhi Brother!!
3. Sister, on this special day of Raksha Bandhan, I want to tell you that I will always hold your back. I feel blessed to have you in my life and you are a wonderful person. Sorry, I tease you the most because in this entire world, you are the one I love the most. I am giving you a promise that I will always love and protect you.
4. You care for me like a mother. I respect and love you. Thanks for always pampering me and supporting me. No one can be like you my darling sister. Wish you a very happy Raksha Bandhan dearest sister.